Business Numerology

It is universally known that our body is constituted of 5 elements namely fire, water, air, earth, and sky. It is due to the intricate balance of these elements on the planet earth that led to the evolution of humans and other organisms. Any imbalance of these elements leads to diseases in humans. The balance of these natural elements can be restored through Energy Corrections.

Module 1

  1. Numerology in different parts of the world
  2. Effect of Numerology on a day to day life, How numbers vibration around us
  3. Decoding the planets and numbers sync
  4. Attributes of each number and their effects
  5. How to select the most effective company or brand name or logo per Numero for greater success in business ventures?
  6. How to make your name more powerful by adding letters to it?
  7. How to choose a gainful phone number?
  8. How Numero-Powered E-mail Ids, Passwords, and Mobile Numbers create more powerful and effective communication which generates more business and sales?

2300 AED

  • 5 Session, 2 Hrs, 10 Hrs

    Group Session /in Person/Zoom Online

  • Online Zoom Session

    2 Months, 10 Classes, 10 Hrs 2 Practical Study Cases

  • Live Session

    Can be Recorded for Repeat hearing

2300 AED

  • 5 Session, 2 Hrs, 10 Hrs

    Group Session /in Person/zoom online

  • Online Zoom Session

    2 Months, 10 Classes, 10 Hrs 3 Practical Sessions

  • Live Session

    Can be Recorded for Repeat hearing

Module 2

  1. Practicals to learn how to implement the numerology for self and others
  2. Win in Negotiations: Within 2 Minutes, work out the most effective time for result giving phone call.
  3. Working out the name of a lucky bank in order to save and attract more money in your account.
  4. How to select a lucky Number for your Car?
  5. How to use Astro-Numerology for powerful Signatures?
  6. How to select an effective Mantra numerological, in order to boost your Mental Powers?
  7. Decide on beneficial persons in your life by just analyzing their names neurologically.
  8. How to select the most powerful and beneficial numbers in order to select the most beneficial dates, and timings and everything that is related with numbers?
  9. Learning how Numbers are related with colors and beneficial gemstones. How to select the same logically, with Astro-Numero Power
  10. Date of Birth Decoding of Client and Elements Helping them to choose the right Directions and blends for them

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